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Sujet:  Mmoexp Diablo IV Gold: Iron Chunks & Silver Ore
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Créé le: 14 Nov 2024 2:23   
Sujet du message: Mmoexp Diablo IV Gold: Iron Chunks & Silver Ore

5. Iron Chunks & Silver Ore
Iron Chunks and Silver Ore are basic resources required for upgrading weapons and armor. These drop frequently in mid-tier zones and mining-rich areas.

Mining Zones: Look for specific areas like The Craggy Peaks or The Iron Wastes, known for their abundant veins of Iron Ore. You can mine these directly for the materials.
Dungeons & Strongholds: Some dungeons, especially those near mountainous regions, also contain deposits of Silver Ore and Iron Chunks. Focus on farming dungeon bosses and elite packs.
Underground Locations: Explore caves and mine entrances for Iron Chunks and Silver Ore, particularly in highland regions like The Unyielding Depths.
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