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Sujet:  bird flu
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Créé le: 07 Mar 2006 10:42   
Sujet du message: bird flu

Bonjour ? tous,

Encore des nouvelles sur les aigrettes qui ont ?t? retrouv?es mortes ?
Santo Antao: CV-H5N1 ou pas?

aujourd'hui, j'ai lu cette article, http://www.afrol.com/articles/18327:

".... Also in Cape Verde, located far off the Senegalese coast, authorities feared the worst as a group of dead seabirds were found on the sparsely populated island on
Santo Ant?o. The island first was quarantined, but tests so far have not revealed the H5N1 virus, but the Pasteur Institute in Dakar has not yet concluded its tests.

Scientists indeed do not expect the wild birds found on Santo Ant?o to be infected by the H5N1 bird flu virus. This is "very unlikely to be bird flu," Professor Chris
Feare, a former head of bird research at the British Ministry of Agriculture, now an independent agricultural scientist, told afrol News today. On "remote and
isolated oceanic islands," one should not expect any spread of the feared animal disease among wild birds...."

Donc, pas de panique?

il faut quand m?me noter que le Senegal m?me envoie LEUR oiseaux morts en Italie Smile

"....In Senegal, President Abdoulaye Wade this weekend revealed that a great number of dead wild birds had been sent to a laboratory in Italy to determine a possible bird flu outbreak. "All results are negative," President Wade announced - so far, no case of H5N1 virus has been detected in Senegal. ..."
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Créé le: 07 Mar 2006 11:44   
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en Chine aussi, on s'interesse ? ce qui se passe ? Sintanton


Cape Verde takes measures to avert possible bird flu outbreak
?? ???

Cape Verde's government has officially closed all access to Santo Antao island, where a dead egret was spotted on Thursday, the state news agency of the island country reported on Friday.

The dead fowl has been sent to Dakar, the capital of Cape Verde's neighboring Senegal, for tests to see if it had been killed by the deadly H5N1 bird?flu strain.

Meanwhile, the West African country has asked local authorities to educate people on prevention measures, and residents have been advised not to touch dead birds and report any dead fowl they find to the authorities immediately.

A total of 900,000 euros (about 1,080,000 U.S. dollars) has been distributed to local governments to help with their prevention efforts.

An H5N1 case was detected in Nigeria on Feb. 8, signaling the arrival of the virus onto the African continent, which is considered very vulnerable because of its weak health and prevention resources and systems.

Source: Xinhua
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Créé le: 13 Mar 2006 17:19   
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encore des nouvelles, svp?
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